
Intervju sa Marjanom Bonevom

Intervju sa Marjanom Bonevom

Predstavljamo vam Marjana Boneva, prošlogodišnjeg pobednika. Pitali smo ga zašto se opet vraća „Lavirintu“.


1. Šta tebi trčanje lično donosi i zašto biraš ovakav koncept trka?

Ovakav tip trke za mene je igra. I dalje se osećam kao dete koje voli da se igra, skače, penje; kombinacija igre i takmičenja je ono što odgovara mom karakteru. Oduvek sam imao želju za avanturističkim trkama koje obuhvataju penjanje uz konopac, mreže, prepreke, provlačenje kroz blato; odnosno neka vrsta kombinacije planinskog trčanja i parkour­a.


2. Kako si počeo, kad i koliko treniraš?

Nažalost, svetski trendovi na Balkan stižu prilično kasno, između ostalog i ovakakve vrste trka, tako da sam prvi put učestvovao u julu 2014. godine na Spartan Race u Kelnu, jedinoj takvoj trci te godine. Pripreme za tu trku sastojale su se od deljenja iskustva i trikova sa mojim dobrim prijateljem i odličnim trenerom Danielom Trbogazovim, koji je iste godine učestvovao u Minhenu; zatim je tu gledanje snimaka trka na youtube­u i regularne pripreme za planinsko trčanje. Sledeće 2015. godine sam učestvovao na četiri trke ovakvog tipa, na kojima sam osvojio dva prva mesta, jedno treće i jedno peto mesto. U 2016. godini znao sam da želim više da se spremam za ovakav vid trke, nego za klasično trčanje, pa tako, za sada moja agenda broji pet završenih trka i barem još toliko je u planu.

Takođe, najveći izazov treba da bude evropsko prvenstvo u Holandiji 12. juna gde će učestvovati najbolji iz Evrope u ovom sportu. Pripreme se u ovom periodu uglavnom sastoje od uvežbavanja brzine trčanja i tehnike ekonomičnog savladavanja prepreka. Već sam ušao u takmičarsku sezonu, pa tako od početka maja do vikenda kada se održava evropsko prvenstvo nemam nijedan slobodan vikend, tačnije svaki vikend je trka. U toku radne nedelje imam jedan trening za brzinu, jedan za snagu i ostali su pomoćni treninzi za održavanje forme i oporavak.


Pošto smo sa Marjanom razgovarali pre odlaska u Holandiju, Marjan je osvojio 14. mesto na ovom prestižnom takmičenju, i neverovatnoj trci od 15 km sa preko 30 prepreka.


3. Kako biraš trke na kojima učestvuješ?

Za sada biram trke koje su mi lokacijski najbliže, samo zbog uštede novca i vremena. Nadam se da će se ovo promeniti i da ću učestvovati na najprestižnijim trkama koje su udaljene, u Velikoj Britaniji ili Švedskoj, gde su najteže i najbolje trke sa preprekama.


4. Kako si se proveo u našem “Lavirintu”? (prenosimo vam u celosti Marjanove utiske, dan nakon trke)

Let me tell you first that I couldn’t wait to start the yesterday race. As soon as I applied (10-­12 weeks before) I was curious and impassioned of getting at the start line. During the race what I have seen at Jelasnicka canyon, the window rock and all the nature along the way up to the finish line made my efforts feel worth full and very much enjoy full . That’s why I will spend some time to give you FEEDBACK (my point of view of course) > The Maze ­ obstacle trail race 22k (I wouldn’t do this if I don’t care to see vol.2 of it).


Goods and Greats:

1. Great teasers and excellent early enough started promotion of the event (logo, web site design, printed materials);

2. Markings of the trails ­ sufficient enough, but as the trail went on they were getting less and less so a bit of effort was needed to follow it ­ that only made the race more fun and focus engaging as fatigue was taking place ­ real obstacle race intention;

3. Accommodation (the school hall), showers and toilets were good as expected ­ everything what a camper, hiker, climber, runner needs a day before a race, with an addition of early announcing the capacity of the hall, camping tents etc.;

4. Volunteers ­ kind, helpful and objective, great achievement is to have that many, about 40-50;

5. Check­in process ­ easy and fast;

6. Obstacles ­ great, in variety, number and difficulty. Respect for all the effort to make, place and combine all of them;

7. Refreshment stands ­ Enough water and food on every 5km;


Needs improvement:

1. Start of the race in summer months ­ very late, no excuse since everyone who want to participate can come a night earlier or even an hour earlier if that means getting up at 4am, driving 3 hours, checking­in and still having an hour time to warm­up for a start at 9am;

2. TRUST AND RESPECT of your own core organization members and volunteers ­ more precisely meaning on their decisions, conscious notes, judgments and testimonials towards correct or wrong execution of a control point check­in (pass) by a racer. ­ By not having this among your own people and the volunteers you have placed at control checks you have lost a good amount of follow­up promotion (totally unnecessary waiting of the winners announcement made most of the participants and some of the winners to leave the event and dismounting Red Bull podium and music shut down confirmed even from a supporter stand point that you made a great mistake with this one;

3. Punishments or replacement for obstacles is not jumping jacks (too easy), but 20­-30 burpees or push­ups;

4. Attached course map on the web site for 22k ­ not readable in Google earth and Garmin GPS watch (fenix 2);


Don’t do it again:

Wasting 3-­4 hours on listening to the lies of someone who is position to manipulate you, position of an elite competitor, captain, major or whatever fuck he/she is ­ the nhigh cost of this is mentioned above;

Once again to confirm very precisely (and what happened yesterday):

1. The competitor hasn’t been seen at 2 consecutive control points check and obstacles where you had your own people / volunteers > THIS IS VERY SUFFICIENT AND ENOUGH FOR IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION and not a debate for 3 hours and shitty “bezuslovno” comments afterwards;

***Extras, as a confirmation for a control point check skip and course deviation:

2. In only 1k he had gain 5­6 minutes advantage;

3. His GPS watch is showing exactly 20,74km ­ a full 1,66km less than the official course map;

4. It’s one of the leading competitors and it’s not on a photo at the photo check control point;

5. At first he admits that doesn’t remember those obstacles (to me) and then suddenly after 30­-40 min he finds a way to remember the way the checks look like (any participant you ask could tell you this ­ simply as that).


6. Da li nam opet dolaziš?

Da, dolazim!


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